I'm home from church sick today...the first time that has happened in I don't know how long! I feel really bad about missing today, too, because I was supposed to be teaching the final lesson on worship in my women's Sunday School class. I was really looking forward to this lesson...I guess I'll be looking forward to it for one more week! But maybe this is God's way of telling me to slow down and get some much needed rest and time alone with Him.
I must have been sick yesterday, too, because I didn't feel good enough to get off the couch and do anything around the house. Instead, I crocheted all day, which was kinda fun for a change! I created an entire shawl with no pattern for the craft fair. It turned out nicely, in spite of the fact that it was my first experiment with freeforming anything. I actually started out with the shells first, but I decided I wanted them to be the edging instead of main body of the shawl. So, I turned it around and started just playing with different stitches until I had a pattern the width I liked. I was somewhat inspired by the Half Moon Shawl Lion Brand used to advertise this yarn (Romance), but I wanted it to be my own design...so this is what I came up with! I'm calling it "Moonlight Sonata"....but don't ask me why! :o)

Beautiful shawl!! Making myself a shawl is on mt to do list.
Great shawl. I love the color.
Your successful switch to the new blogger is encouraging. I plan to try soon. :)
Your shawl is beautiful! I love how the stitches change throughout, but if you didn't tell someone you made it up as you went along they would never guess - it's so wonderfully balanced and lovely :-)
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