Yippee! The blanket was finished, and my pastor and his wife LOVE it! I think they were just amazed and surprised that I had actually made it myself. Lots of people at church know I crochet, but so few people (young people, especially) make things to give as gifts these days. I just think it is so much more special and heartfelt to give handmade gifts, particularly in this age of "gift card mania." I know any of you reading this probably agree, because you are all crafty people who believe in preserving the traditions and simple things so many others have forgotten! Anyway, enough of my rambling...here are some photos of the blanket (clickable)!

Givin' and Grinnin',
Christian Women Online
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What a loving gift! As a pastor's wife, I can tell you that gifts like this from "our people" are truly precious forever!
Lovely blanket, pretty colour and you did very well to finish it so quickly :)
A very nice gift for them to cherish, too.
-- Michelle
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