Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Tackled It!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

BEWARE! The following pictures are only for the stout of heart! Well, at least those who don't mind a little dust. I have decided to join all those doing "Tackle It Tuesdays" thanks to the successes I've seen on Jeanie's blog and my new resolve to be more disciplined and productive at home. I'm only two days into my new schedule, but I'm liking it already!

So, how about that dust? Boy, it's been so long since I dusted my house that I can't remember when I did it last! So I decided that this would be my first tackle. It was a small task compared to some, but I thought it would be best to start with something I new I could complete tonight to give myself confidence that I can do this. And I did! Actually, taking the before and after pictures was almost as much of a chore as the actual dusting. But it was fun to put them all together and show that I did indeed accomplish what I set out to do! Yay!

Whistlin' and Workin',


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh great tackle! I absolutely hate to dust! I too put it off until I can't stand it! I'm trying to reintroduce myself to FlyLady but now that I'm pregnant again, I'm finding it even more difficult to keep up. I've just been SO tired! Glad you joined Tackle It Tuesday! I'll hopefully be posting tomorrow, if I can find some energy somewhere, LOL!

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