Saturday, February 03, 2007

Oh, the Joys of Organization

I have been seeing lots of people making these little fabric cases for their hooks and things, and they looked so neat that I decided to make one myself. I was especially inspired by Erin's hook case, and even though I tried to follow the tutorial she linked to, I ended up really making it up as I went. It was so fun to dust off the sewing machine and use up a bit of my fabric stash...which is much bigger than my yarn stash right now! So, I now have a completely organized place to keep my hooks, tapestry needles, and other little odds and ends I may need. And in the process I found the small pair of scissors my mom gave me a year ago and couldn't find anywhere for months....they were hiding with my sewing machine! Go figure! :o) Anyway, here are the photos. Hope they inspire you as others have inspired me!

Here's the case when it's all rolled up:

Here it is unrolled with the flap down:

And here it is completely open. I used sticky-back velcro instead of sewing the flap down. I didn't want it too permanent. It works great!

Still Stitchin' and Grinnin',

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