Tuesday, March 13, 2007

First Round Ripple Finished

Well, here it is! My first round ripple is complete. I really love this pattern, and the colors came together beautifully. Originally, I had planned to do six rows of the dark blue on the outside, but the blankie was getting pretty big already. Plus, the dark blue was almost overpowering the other brighter colors. So, instead I decided to make it more of a border using only three rows and fastening off. I still have plenty of yarn for another, though I don't need to make any more baby blankets for boys at this point. But maybe there's enough there for a blanket for me...hmmmm....

Stitchin' and Grinnin',


Melissa said...

Looks great! The colors are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It is so pretty! I'm working on my first round ripple.

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