Monday, January 15, 2007

Yippee! I get to stay home today! A large portion of Texas has been hit by an ice storm, so no school for me today...I'm not going to complain! :o) I actually have been super excited the last few days, as it's been rainy and cold and actually feels like winter for once! The trees and shrubs around here are just beautiful, covered in ice as if they are frozen in time. I walked outside this morning, and the grass even crunched under my feet as the ice cracked. I love it! It's true that I would normally prefer snow, here in Texas I've decided that I'll take whatever wintery weather we get. It's just great to have to bundle up when I go outside, and it's also great to be able to stay inside and crochet, bake, clean, and play around on the computer. As far as I'm concerned, it's a gorgeous day!

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